According to the United Nations General Assembly, the current decade (2021–2030) is that of Healthy Aging. In this study, through the methodology of a single and exploratory case study, using the interview and exploratory content analysis, we highlight the case of the Museum of Trades of Arts and Crafts (Capelas, S. Miguel-Azores). This is a successful case of self-taught museum collections and the reconversion of arts and crafts from the past (beginning of the second half of the twentieth century on the island of S. Miguel—Azores). The project Museum of Trades was created by an entrepreneur (retired teacher) who is aging healthy, puts into evidence, in the first place, a private collection of objects, forms of work, and commercial spaces at the time of the post-World War II period. This case also highlights a sustainable tourism project (particularly the senior tourism segment) where the interaction of tourists coexists with the memory of the past, the local community, and the biomaterials used (fish scales, fig kernels, onion and corn skins, clay), and artisans, in a particular way. Local history and individual and collective memory stand out as a tool for qualifying sustainable senior tourism and opening up the possibility of creative tourism.
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